Behind the Picture: Hansel Mieth’s Wet, Unhappy Monkey

It is, without question, one of the most famous, most frequently reproduced animal photographs ever made. But photographer Hansel Mieth‘s own attitude toward her 1938 portrait of a sodden rhesus monkey hunched in the water off of Puerto Rico was, to put it bluntly, conflicted. In fact, the German-born Mieth…

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The following is from LIFE’s new special issue Apes: Their Remarkable World, available at newsstands and online: Two rangers quietly sat on a platform 25 feet up in a tree with a large pile of bananas and red buckets filled with milk. As I watched, a dozen orangutans quickly climbed and…

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The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to bring the family together than with a collection of the best family board games?… The post 10 Best Family Board Games for Memorable Holiday Fun appeared first on The Daily Struggle.

If it’s not the strangest movie ever to come out of Hollywood, it’s close enough. And of all the strange movies to come out of Hollywood, it is likely the sweetest. The stars of the 1948 film Bill and Coo were birds. That’s not to say these these birds stole…

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In its March 10, 1952 issue LIFE magazine served its readers photos of the “sailing rocks” of the Racetrack Playa, a dry lake bed near Death Valley, California. The stones don’t do anything really wild like zip around in front of people, but they have moved at some point, and…

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In today’s digital age, online dating has become a popular way to meet new people and potentially find love. However, it can be overwhelming and… The post 13 Online Dating Tips: Navigating the Digital Dating World appeared first on The Daily Struggle.

Lake George, N.Y. makes an unusual claim to fame: it touts itself as the America’s original vacation spot. The basis of that claim? In 1869 a Boston preacher named William H.H. Murray published his popular book Adventures in the Wilderness, or Camp-Life in the Adirondacks, which was a mix of…

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The following is from LIFE’s beautifully illustrated new special edition, Birds: The World’s Most Remarkable Creatures, available at newsstands and online: The first bird I fell in love with—my “spark bird”—was soaring in the northeastern Florida sky one May many years ago, its pointed wings spread gracefully and its deeply…

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Whether you’re looking for a gift for a little one, or just something to make bedtime run a bit more smoothly, here are some of… The post The best toddler books for little bookworms appeared first on The Daily Struggle.